Shri Narasimhacharya used to sit under this Ashwaththa Vruksha tree and perform his tapas & deliver lectures to his shishyas. Hence he came to be known as Aralikatti Narasimhacharya.
An interesting episode occurs in the life of Shri Raghuprema Teertha during his purvashrama. In search of his adhyatma Guru, Shri Srinivasacharya (Shri Raghuprema Teertha's purvashrama name) visits length & breadth of Bharata Bhumi. Finally having got disheartened he reaches Kashi and very devotedly prays mano-niyamaka Rudra to show him his adhyAtma Guru. A Brahmana appears in his dream one night and shows him Ashwaththa Vruksha. Shri Srinivasacharya once again pursues his search for adhyAtma Guru and finally with the Grace of Shri Hari-Vayu-Guru's finds Shri Aralikatti Narasimhacharya.
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