Shri Shri Suvidyendra Teertha Swamiji's Pravachana Malika
Recitation & brief explanation of Shri Narayana Varma - The King of StOtras by Shri Shri 1008 Shri Suvidyendra Teertha.
"Shrimad Bhagavata, Shri Shrinivasa Kalyana, Shrimad Bhagavad-Gita & Shri Svapna VrundavanAkhyAna" by Shri Shri Suvidyendra Teertha The holy Ganga river purifies not just mortals but also immortals. In the same way, Shri Raghavendra Gurusarvabhowmaru blesses mortals and immortals alike. The Jeevana Charitra of many aparOsha Jnani's & Devamsha Sambhootaru stands as proof for this. Shri Shri 1008 Shri SuvidyEndra Teertha ShripAdaru is Bhageeratha of Shri Raghavendra Swamiji's Granthas - the one who brought the works of Shri Raghavendra Swamiji to all sadh Vaishnavas - Not just to PamarAs but also to learned Scholars. Shri Shri ShripAdara adhbhutha pAndithya in Shrimadh Acharyara shAstra is exemplary. Shri ShripAdaru is not only an expert/authority in Shri vyAsa sAhithya, but also in Shri Hari dAsa sAhithya. To know more about Shri Shri Suvidyendra Teertha Swamiji, Please visit the page HERE ![]()
Shrimad Bhagavad-Gita UpanyAsa mAlika
Shri Bhagavad-gita is also known as Gitopanishad. It is the essence of Vedic knowledge and one of the most important Upanishads in Vedic literature. The Bhagavad-Gita tells us how we should conduct ourselves in our day to day lives, keeping God at the center of our awareness and activities, performing our duties with a sense of detachment and as a way of our sacrificial offering, and accepting God as the doer and facilitator of all our actions and ourselves as mere instruments engaged in the act of liberation and self realization followed by God realization. "gItA mE paramaM rUpaM" - Shrimad Bhagavad-gIta is sAkshAth pratIka of Lord Shri Krishna. Shri mahA Vishnu extolls the glory of Shrimad Bhagavad-gIta to Shri MahA Lakshmi dEvi. Shri Hari says, the first five adhyayas are his face, next ten adhyayas are his arms, the 16th adhyaya is his udara and last two adhyayas are his mangalakara pAdas. Shrimad Bhagavad-gIta is thus vAngmaya mUrthi of Shri mahA Vishnu.
Shri Svapna VrundavanAkhyAna UpanyAsa mAlika
We are glad to bring to you Shri SvApna VrundAvana AkhyAna lecture series by Shri Shri 1008 Shri Suvidyendra Teertha Swamiji. Shri Swamiji quotes from different scriptures and also from within Shri AkhyAna itself to prove the following among others.
Note: 1. Shrimad Bhagavata saptAha, Shri Shrinivasa Kalyana and Shrimad Bhagavad-gIta saptAha were conducted at the residence of Smt.Yamuna Bai, Smt. Usha & Shri Balakrishna in Bangalore, India during June, July, 2007 and June-July, 2008. We are extremely thankful to Shri Shri 1008 Shri Suvidyendra Teertha Swamiji for giving us permission to host these lectures on our website. We are thankful to Shri Balakrishna for sharing the pravachanas, the photos and the writeup on Shri Shri Swamiji.
2. A mail indicating the availability of Shri Svapna VrundavanAkhyAna lecture series was posted on a yahoogroups - Jignaasa - which was forwarded to us by Shri Raghu Rao on SVBM yahoogroups. Upon putting forward a request with Shri Venkatesh Acharya [(Shri Venkatesh Kulkarni), Adhyapaka of Shri Poorna Prajna VidyapeeTa & a student of Shri Shri 1008 Shri Vishvesha Teertha Swamiji at whose residence this lecture series was conducted by Shri Shri 1008 Shri Suvidyendra Teertha Swamiji] and Shri Harish Gopala [who helped providing us the links for the audio] for hosting this lecture series on this website, they gladly accepted our request and allowed us to host it over here for the benefit of all sAdhakas. We are also very thankful to them for the same. |