Answers for quiz on Shrinivasa Kalyana - Part 2
1) Who was Bakula devi in her previous birth: *
2) Who was the horse on which Shri Shrinivasa rode while hunting: *
3) The name of the king to whom Shri Padmavathi was found in a lotus in this earth: *
4) The elephant who helped Shri Shrinivasa and Shri Padmavathi meet in the woods: *
5) Shri Shrinivasa appeared as this to tell kaNi: *
6) Whom did Shri Shrinivasa instruct to invite Shri BrahmAdhi devathas for his kalyAna: *
7) Who was the engineer who constructed beautiful palaces for the devatha guests: *
8) Who lent money to Shri Shrinivasa for his kalyAna: *
9) How is Shri Shrinivasa repaying the loan money: *
10) Shri Shrinivasa had bhOjana alone leaving all the devathas in whose ashrama: *
11) Who did Shrinivasa send to KolhApura to get Shri Maha Lakshmi for the kalyAna: *
12) Who did the mangala abhyanjana shastra to Shri ShrinivAsa: *
13) On which day and time of the week did Shri ShrinivAsa wed Shri Padmavathi: *
14) What was the sacred veda mantra uttered during mAngalya dhArana: *
15) In which location was the holy rice prepared for the kalyAna: *
16) To whom did Shri ShrinivAsa offer naivEdya before serving anna: *
17) Who took Shri Shrinivasa and Padmavathi on the top of Shri VenkatAdri in a chariot: *
18) The Madhva yathi who had bliss performing nitya pooja to Shri ShrinivAsa: *
19) Number of years the above yati performed pooja to the Lord in Tirumala: *
20) How did Shri venkatAdri hills appear to Shri Vadirajaru: *
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