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Shri Vyasa Bhajana Mandali (SVBM), California, USA has formed a forum to discuss various Tatvavada topics. To start with, the members have selected MUST KNOW-HIGHLY DEBATED topic of Jiva Kartrutva & Datta Svatantrya. As part of this study the members will be walking through material that is available on this topic, will be arranging Lectures from revered Scholars, etc. Please visit this page for regular updates from time to time. Required Preparation for Session 1 Few members of SVBM were having an informal discussion - A Fact Finding Quest - on the most sought after subject of Jiva Kartrutva. On those lines they arranged lectures of Shri Hari Narayana Vittala Dasa & were also referring to Vyakhyana of specific padyas of Shri Harikathamrutasara by Shri Sankarshana Wodeya Swamiji. That said, most of the members still had many unanswered questions which required an exercise that would enable them to dig deeper into the subject thereby attaining some level of clarity. With that in mind, the Jiva Kartrutva (JK) forum was initiated.
Brief Introduction to Jiva Kartrutva & Datta Svatantrya:
The 1st session was a great success as there was an enthusiastic crowd (with around 12 in person and 4 on the phone). We were blessed to have Anand Krishnan's uncle on site who has been a staunch follower of Shrimad Acharyaru & has read cover-to-cover all books of Shri BNK Sharma. As per the plan, Prasanna Krishna went over 2 padyas from Tatvasuvvali through the Vyakhyana of Shri Davanagere Bheema RaoJi: bAhiraMtaradalli dEhAbhimAnigaLu - nI hELidaMte naDisOru | naDisOru nuDisOru - drOhakke enna gurimALpe || 162 ||
As instructed by You, tatvAbhimAni dEvatas are doing the activities through me without my involvement. This being the case, you entangle me with karma phala elli Ishatva mattallihudu kartRutva - hullu manujarige kartRutva | kartRutvaveMbudu - ellihudu baride apavAda || 240 ||
As mentioned in pANini sutras "kartRutvam prati svAtantryam" - "svatantra: kartA", a person who is self-dependent (svatantra) will only have kartRutva, others wouldn't have. Shri Hari alone is svatantra and all others are asvatantras. Hence claiming kartRutva in jIvas is a wrong perception/thinking. Please listen to the recording of Session 1 here During the 1st session, VRP had a question as to "whether jaDa can be considered a kartRu". The simple answer to that is "yes" but it’s not very easy to perceive it. Shri Bannanje Govindacharya explains this concept beautifully taking the example of a cow's udder (jada). He poses the question of "where does milk come from?" and provides a 3-fold answer:
Lecture of Shri Bannanje Govindacharya extracted from Geetha Chintana Note: SVBM is greatly indebted to Shri Bannaje Govindacharya & creators of that audio recording. Required Preparation for session #2 We will be talking about DS (Datta Svatantra), SWS (Swagatha Svatantra) & SAS (Sarvatantra Svatantra).
The 2nd session on the evening of 5th April, 2008 was well attended again by around 15 participants in total. Prasanna started with a recap of what was discussed in the previous session (shloka 240 from tatvasuvAli) and then continued with the details of Svagata Svatantrya & Sarva Svatantrya. The Vyakhyana for Padya 240 was completely read out. He also noted that Shri Sankarshana Wodeya Swamiji's Vyakhyana on Shri Harikathamrutasara and Shri Davanagere Bheema Raoji's Vyakhyana on Tatvasuvvali recognsize Shri Hari's Svatantrya Rupa's - Datta, Svagata, Sarva - as separate and co-existent in Jiva during Srushti whereas Shri Suvidyendra Teertha Swamiji's lecture (Please refer Madhva Radio links above) claim only one Rupa instead of 3.
The same night (Night of 5th April, 2008), Shri Sanjeeva Murthy Dasaru - an authority on Shri Harikathamrutasara, Dasa Sahitya, Shrimad Bhagavata among others - delivered a lecture on Jiva Kartrutva from India over phone. It was in fact a question/answer session which was very well attended by interested participants. We are greatly indebted to Shri Sanjeeva Murthy Dasaru who took time to get on phone, gave a patience listening to our questions and answered them to the satisfaction of participants. Towards the end of pravachana, Shri Dasaru whole-heartedly blessed the participants and prayed Lord Shri Hari & His Dasas to help participants understand the Jiva Kartrutva and related topics.
Please click here to listen to the lecture of Shri Sanjeeva Murthy Dasaru
Please click here to listen to Session 2 During the evening session, few questions were asked. Prasanna Krishna answered them to the best of his ability and suggested that the answers be validated from correct sources. Question 1 (From Srikanth): When will Shri Hari in the form of datta, svagata, sarva svatantrya rupa's enter Jiva? Is it when Jiva is brought from asRujya to sRujya or during SruShti. Answer (From Prasanna): Probably it is during SruShti (i.e. when Vayu pada Jiva gets to Brahma pada). Let us consider a Jiva 'X' who has 10 Brahma Kalpa Sadhana. When this Jiva is brought out of asRujya into sRujya (Kalpa 1 Sadhana), Shri Hari in His 3 forms enter 'X'. During Pralaya, except for Jiva's Svarupa-gata-Bimba, all other Rupas of Shri Hari like Rama, Krishna, Narasimha, etc. including the dattta/svagata/sarva must merge with Moola Rupa. Again during the SruShti, Shri Hari takes Ananta Rupa's and at that time once again Shri Hari with His 3 forms enter 'X' (Kalpa 2 Sadhana of Jiva 'X'). Clarifications to be sought from learned members/scholars. Further questions like what about Shri Hari Rupa's in Linga Deha? Question 2 (From Srikanth): During SruShti, is the Jiva necessarily brought from asRujya to sRujya? Answer (From Prasanna): Not really. A Jiva having more than 1 Kalpa Sadhana will come to SruShti those many times. Start of Brahma's first year is termed SruShti and completion of Brahma's life span is termed Laya. Some say Laya starts around Brahma's 75th year and some say Laya starts after Brahma's 100 years. Keeping that aside, during Laya, all the Jiva's (Muktas, those in asRujya, those who are yet to complete their Sadhana, etc) enter Shri Narayana's Udara. During SruShti, Shri Narayana will
Question 3 (From Balu): Term Laya cannot be used for Shri Hari. The point came up when Prasanna at one point while explaining about Laya mentioned 'Laya' instead of 'aikya' for Shri Narayana's Rupas. Answer (From Prasanna): Prasanna argued that it can be mentioned but later during self analysis felt it probably should not be used. The correct sentence could be 'Shri Hari's Ananta Rupa's get merged into Moola Rupa during Laya'. Need to get clarifications from learned members/scholars. Question 4 (From Mohan): Does Shri Hari enter into Jiva with His 3 forms only when a Jiva gets Human birth? Answer (From Prasanna): No. Shri Hari's Rupa enter a Jiva during SruShti since Shri Hari in those 3 forms (and many other forms too) is doing Sadhana on behalf of Jiva (mAdhavane mannAma dharisi mADuve sAdhanava - Shri Jayesha Vittala Dasaru). Sadhana is not just restricted to Human being. Sadhana is a way of buring karma and this happens during any birth. Also any activity found in any species is because of Shri Hari's different forms. Question 5 (General): What is Kartrutva? Answer (From Prasanna): Kartrutva does not just refer to kriya shakti. It is the combination of Jnana, Ichcha & Kriya Shakti. Question 6 (General) What is the difference between Kriya & Kriya Shakti? Answer (From Prasanna): Kriya is an activity and Kriya Shakti is ability to do an activity. A object where there is Kriya is considered kartRu. In this perspective, jaDa also can be termed as kartRu Question 7 (Harish): The phrase 'yadA snAti tadA snAti' is from which grantha? Answer (From Prasanna): Shandilya Tatva Question 8: It is said that a Jiva in Mukti can take any form (though Jiva belongs to a specific Species)? Is it because of Shri Hari. Answer (From Prasanna): Absolutely yes. Jiva's parAdhInatva is anAdi & nitya. Question 9: What kind of SruShti does Tatvavada preach (Evolution or Instant)? Answer (From Prasanna): Evolution During the session, while discussing about the role of Jiva in SruShti, Prasanna referred to a padya from 'bimbAparOkSha' or 'bimba-pratibimba" sandhi from Shri Harikathamrutasara: "mukta biMbanu turiya, jIvanmukta biMbanu vishva, shruti (bhava) saMsakta biMbanu taijasanu, asRujyarige prAj~na ...... " - Padya 1 A jIva with Sthula Deha can have 4 stages:
The above 4 applies to Sthula Deha. From svarUpa Deha pespective too, there are 4 states. This is what Shri Jagannatha Dasaru explains in the above padya:
This explains the following:
Required Preparation for session #3 (Date: 20th April, 2008) We will continue with details of DS (Datta Svatantra), SWS (Swagatha Svatantra) & SAS (Sarvatantra Svatantra) from Shri Sankarshana Wodeya Swamiji's Vyakhyana of Shri Harikathamrutasara for Datta & Svagata Svatantrya Sandhi's.
During the 3rd Session, Prasanna continued with discussing further on 3 svAtantrya's of Shri Hari as laid out in the vyAkhyAna of Shri Sankarshana Wodeya Swamiji. Shri Sankarshana Wodeya Swamiji while discussing about Padya 5 of svagata svAtantrya Sandhi provides many important aspects of datta-svagata-sarva svAtantrya's. The details are as follows:
Please click here to listen to Session 3 Required Preparation for session #4 (Date: 2nd May, 2008) Starting this session, Shri Keshava Rao Tadipatri, a well known scholar in US and a great contributor on dvaita list will be covering kartrutva-adhikaraNa from Brahma Sutra of Shri Veda Vyasa quoting from Acharya Madhwa's Bhashya and other commentaries of Tatvavada stalwarts like Shri Teekacharya, Shri Vadiraja Teertha, Shri Chandrikacharya, Shri Raghoottama Teertha, Shri Raghavendra Teertha. This will be telephonic and the conference call details are given hereunder: Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 432 1601 For the benefit & adhyayana of sAdhakas, have been made available here. We are very thankful to Shri Venkatesh Mutalik who provided us these documents. Please click here to download the same.
During the 4th Session, Shri Keshava Rao Tadipatri started off with kartRutvAdhikaranaM of Shri Brahmasutra quoting from Acharya Madhwa's Bhashya and tIka & tippaNi of Shri Acharya's followers. This was the first part of kartRutvAdhikaranaM and would continue for next few weeks. Please visit this page for more updates. This session and the following few on this subject will be through conference facility. This session was well attended by interested participants. For the benefit of sAdhakas, the session is uploaded here. Please click here to listen to Part 1 - kartRutvAdhikaranaM Please click here to read the Q & A session - Shri Venkatesh Mutalik of East Coast, USA has kindly accepted our request to document Q & A session at the end of each session. The above link provides the first Q & A session that followed Part 1 lecture of kartRutvAdhikaraNaM. During the 5th Session - 2nd class of kartRutvAdhikaraNaM, Shri Keshava Rao Tadipatri covered the 1st sutra of kartRutvAdhikaranaM quoting from Shri Raghoottama Teertha & Shri Raghavendra Teertha's works. With this, the first sutra is completed. The session was kind of interactive towards the end where Shri Keshava Rao Tadipatri gave a chance to participants to ask questions. He provided convincing answers to the questions of participants.. Please click here to listen to Part 2 - kartRutvAdhikaranaM
During the 6th Session - 3rd class of kartRutvAdhikaraNaM, Shri Keshava Rao Tadipatri covered sutra's 2, 3 & 4 of kartRutvAdhikaranaM quoting from Teekas, Tippanis of Maha Jnanis. The session was kind of interactive towards the end where Shri Keshava Rao Tadipatri gave a chance to participants to ask questions. He provided convincing answers to the questions of participants.. Please click here to listen to Part 3 - kartRutvAdhikaranaM
During the 7th Session - 4th class of kartRutvAdhikaraNaM, Shri Keshava Rao Tadipatri covered sutra's 4 & 5 of kartRutvAdhikaranaM quoting from Teekas, Tippanis of Shri Trivikrama Pandita, Shri Teekacharya, Shri Vadiraja Teertha & Shri Raghavendra Teertha. The session was kind of interactive towards the end where Shri Keshava Rao Tadipatri gave a chance for participants to ask questions. He provided convincing answers to the questions of participants.. Please click here to listen to Part 4 - kartRutvAdhikaranaM
During the 8th Session - 5th class of kartRutvAdhikaraNaM, Shri Keshava Rao Tadipatri covered sutra's 6 through 9 of kartRutvAdhikaranaM quoting from Teekas, Tippanis of Shri Trivikrama Pandita, Shri Teekacharya, Shri Vadiraja Teertha & Shri Raghavendra Teertha. The session was kind of interactive towards the end where Shri Keshava Rao Tadipatri gave a chance to participants to ask questions. He provided convincing answers to the questions of participants. Prasanna Krishna requested Shri Keshava Rao to cover other topics related to Jiva KartRutva Vichara like Datta Svatantrya & others. Shri Keshava Rao gladly agreed to that and mentioned that he would dedicate next class to last sutra of KartRutvAdhikaraNaM & Datta Svatantrya and the class after that to Q & A. He said he would pose questions that are commonly heard of to himself and answer them. Please click here to listen to Part 5 - kartRutvAdhikaranaM
During the 9th Session - 6th class of kartRutvAdhikaraNaM, Shri Keshava Rao Tadipatri covered gist of first 9 sutras before starting sutra 10. As usual Shri Keshava Rao did justice by covering sutra 10 with supporting vyAkhynas from stalwarts in the lineage of Acharya Shri Madhwa. The session was interactive towards the end where Shri Keshava Rao Tadipatri gave a chance to participants to ask questions. Major part of Q & A was dedicated to the padya from Shri Harikathamrutasara - Shri BimbaparokSha Sandhi - Padya "mukta biMbanu turiya jIvanmukta biMbanu vishva......". Shri Keshava Rao gladly agreed to take the discussion further to the next class. He also agreed to cover Datta Svatantrya topic among others. Please click here to listen to Part 6 - kartRutvAdhikaranaM
During the 10th Session - 7th class of kartRutvAdhikaraNaM, Shri Keshava Rao Tadipatri provided some details of what was covered in 10 sutras + continued the discussion from the previous class picking up the padya from Shri Harikathamrutasara - Shri Bimbaparoksha Sandhi - Padya "mukta biMbanu turiya jIvanmukta biMbanu vishva.......". Further he covered few details of Datta Svatantrya. Followed by this, there was an elaborate Q & A session. Shri Keshava Rao as usual provided convincing answers to all the questions posed by participants. He further gave liberty to the participants to send questions to him through mail and that he would gladly provide answers. With this class, we came to a logical conclusion of kartRutvAdhikaraNaM. All the participants whole-heartedly thanked Shri Keshava Rao for his time. It is note-worthy that Shri Keshava Rao conducted these classes very late in the night (EST) for him to accommodate SVBM members who are in PST time frame. This contribution of his and more importantly the detailed coverage of the entire topic is highly commendable and SVBM members are highly indebted to him in particular and to Smt. Meera TadipatriJi and his children too. We look forward to having more such discourses from Shri Keshava Rao and many other scholars in future. Please click here to listen to Part 7 - kartRutvAdhikaranaM
During the 11th Session - 1st class after the information filled kartRutvAdhikaraNaM classes of Shri Keshava Rao Tadipatri, SVBM members revisited some portions of lectures of kartRutvAdhikaraNaM to understand the concepts in better depth. They also read out kartRutvAdhikaraNaM sutras from the book on Shri Brahmasutra by Shri Santebidanur Bheemasenacharya, a renowed tatvavada scholar. Having heard and discussed the sutras again, the members came up with a set of questions seeking answers from Shri Keshava Rao. Shri Keshava Rao kindly agreed to answer the questions in another session scheduled for 12th July, 2008. The questions sent out to Shri Keshava Rao are as follows: 1. Is paradhina kartrutva only a theoritical aspect? What is its use in real life? 11. Shastradhara for only 1 indriya of svarUpa being active at one point (Quoted by Shri Keshava Rao during one of his lectures)
During the 12th Session - Shri Keshava Rao Tadipatri answered all the questions listed above. This session was clubbed with satsanga session of East Coast Madhwa Bandhus. He gave convincing answers to most of the questions. He also allowed participants to ask further questions based on the answers provided. The discussion between Shri Keshava Rao & Prasanna continued for well over 1/2 an hour on the importance of Karmacharana & Jnana aspects. Further to this, Shri Harish Vasudeva had couple of questions for which Shri Keshava Rao provided the answers. Please click here to listen to session 12
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